Stonehenge is situated in Central Queensland 161km South-West of Longreach in the Barcoo Shire, one of Queensland's largest shires. Though drought impacts on the town's population, Stonehenge maintains a population of approximately 30 people. Macropod harvesting is a common occupation for town-based residents while the surrounding pastoural properties graze sheep and cattle. The Barcoo Shire Council is also a source of employment for residents of Stonehenge.
Stonehenge (Provisional) School was officially opened on the 3rd September, 1900 with an enrolment of twenty four (24) students. The school closed during World War 1 (1943-1945) and again for the period 1977-1980 due to lack of students. During the war, although the school was officially closed, Edie McGrath taught the children by correspondence at the school to keep their education continuing. The first (1st) principal was Mr William James Doherty.
The original school building was replaced in 1976 when the number of student’s enrolled outgrew the school. In recent years the original school together with the former police station have been relocated to the grounds of Stonehenge Community Centre. Both historic buildings are available for public viewing.
Currently, the school provides education to 19 students with a strong focus on the core values Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Safe. Teachers and Teacher Aides implement various technologies meaningfully to assist the teaching and learning process and ensure that distance is not a barrier to 21st century learning.
Stonehenge State School operates within a cluster called the Outback Advantage who, through commitment to the Education Queensland mantra, Equity and Excellence - Realising the potential of every student, work collaboratively to innovate curriculum delivery within multi-age classes. Schools in the Outback Advantage cluster include:
- Stonehenge State School
- Jundah State School
- Windorah State School
- Birdsville State School
- Bedourie State School
- Muttuburra State School
- Ilfracombe State School
- Isisford State School
- Jericho State School
Principals and teachers at each of these schools partake in frequent teams meetings, moderation of curriculum meetings and principal business meetings to share and improve practice.